Wildlife Specialist
3 months ago
A gateway for transportation, connection, and innovation, Edmonton Airports (YEG) is a self-funded, not-for-profit corporation driving economic prosperity for the Edmonton Metropolitan Region and beyond. YEG is Canada’s fifth-busiest airport by passenger traffic and the largest major Canadian airport by land area, generating an economic output of over $3.2 billion and supporting over 26,000 jobs pre-pandemic. From sustainability initiatives like Airport City Sustainability Campus to being the first airport in the world to sign The Climate Pledge and the first in Canada to begin regularly scheduled drone delivery operations, YEG is a global leader in the aviation industry. YEG approaches equity, diversity, and inclusion by creating ‘an airport for everyone.’
Edmonton Airports employs 250-300 employees, offering challenging, rewarding opportunities that allow employees to thrive in what they do. The work culture is known for being open, collaborative, and inclusive. Recognizing that great work gets accomplished when people enjoy what they’re doing, successes and milestones are always celebrated. As strong believers in the power of setting professional goals and continuously encouraging employees to do so on a regular basis, YEG appreciates employee feedback on how they can support and enhance partnerships that exist on the corporate team. YEG values opportunities to create diversity within their team, including backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and ways of working together. Seeking positive, enthusiastic people who are not afraid to take on challenges, YEG aims to create a community of unique individuals to allow for expanded ideas, perspectives, and better business decisions. A core value of YEG is “invested in our talent” and they consider professional development, specialty training, and career growth among their top priorities to expand employee skillset and continue evolving as new technology and ideas are innovated.
In addition to propelling a positive work culture internally, the airport land houses over 250 businesses looking to expand tourism, entertainment, cargo logistics, manufacturing, sustainability, innovative technology development, and commercialization. The Airport City Sustainability Campus and the Alberta Aerospace and Technology Centre provide opportunities for businesses to push the boundaries in fields like AI, drones, reforestation, and energy sources such as solar and hydrogen. Edmonton Airports also own and operate Villeneuve Airport (ZVL), a general aviation facility northwest of Edmonton which serves as the primary flight-training facility for the Edmonton Metro Region. ZVL is also the annual host of the Edmonton International Airshow: an entertainment spectacle that celebrates both the rich history and modern evolution of aviation in Edmonton.
With more than 50 non-stop destinations and 15 airline partners, YEG is continuing to offer more flights to more places, while ensuring a safe, sustainable, and welcoming environment for all.
Plaque tournante pour le transport, les liaisons et l’innovation, Edmonton Airports (EA) est une société autofinancée sans but lucratif qui favorise la prospérité économique de la région métropolitaine d’Edmonton et d’ailleurs. L’Aéroport international d’Edmonton (YEG) est le cinquième aéroport du Canada en ce qui concerne le trafic de passagers-ères et le plus grand aéroport canadien en matière de superficie. Avant la pandémie, il générait une production économique de plus de 3,2 milliards de dollars et appuyait plus de 26 000 emplois. Qu’il s’agisse d’initiatives de durabilité comme le Campus de durabilité de la Cité de l’aéroport, d’être le premier aéroport au monde à signer The Climate Pledge et d’être le premier aéroport au Canada à commencer des activités régulières de livraison par drone, YEG est un leader mondial dans l’industrie de l’aviation. YEG aborde l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion en créant « un aéroport pour tout le monde ».
Edmonton Airports emploie de 250 à 300 employé-e-et offre des possibilités stimulantes et enrichissantes qui permettent aux membres du personnel de s’épanouir dans ce qu’ils font. La culture de travail est reconnue pour être ouverte, collaborative et inclusive. Tout en reconnaissant que l’on accomplit un excellent travail quand les gens aiment ce qu’ils font, on s’efforce de toujours y célébrer tous les succès et toutes les étapes importantes. Comme ardent partisan du pouvoir de la fixation d’objectifs professionnels et en encourageant sans cesse les employé-e-s à le faire régulièrement, YEG apprécie les commentaires des employé-e-s sur la façon dont elles et ils peuvent appuyer et améliorer les partenariats qui existent au sein de l’équipe de l’entreprise. YEG apprécie les occasions de créer de la diversité au sein de son équipe, notamment en termes d’origines, d’expériences, de p