Professor Hydrogeology

4 months ago

Quebec, Canada European Geosciences Union Full time

Institut national de la recherche scientifique ( INRS ) is dedicated exclusively to graduate level research and training. Since its creation in 1969, the institute has built its success on interdisciplinarity, innovation, and excellence.
The INRS Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre contributes to the advancement of knowledge to better protect, preserve, and develop natural, water, and land resources.

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology (GMPV)
Geosciences Instrumentation and Data Systems (GI)
Hydrological Sciences (HS)


Full time



In accordance with the collective agreement in effect at INRS.

Required education



21 May 2024

Context and summary
The Institut national de la recherche scientifique ( INRS ) is the only institution in Quebec dedicated exclusively to research and graduate training. In partnership with the community and industry, INRS is proud to contribute to the development of our society through its discoveries and to contribute to the training of a new generation of high-level scientists in the fields of science and engineering, social sciences and health.

The Centre Eau Terre Environnement of INRS ( INRS - ETE ) is seeking applications for a professor position in the field of hydrogeology. The candidate will join a group of researchers covering several hydrogeology specialties, as well as a number of fields related to water, environment and geosciences. The Centre Eau Terre Environnement has an impressive research infrastructure, including state-of-the-art laboratory and field equipment. In hydrogeology, this equipment includes a Contaminant Hydrogeology Laboratory, a Direct Push and Rotary Percussion Sounding System and a wide range of geophysical instrumentation. The recruitment process is opened to multiple aspects of hydrogeology and does not focus on a specific hydrogeology specialty. Thus, the expertise and field of research of the person recruited may cover one or more of the fields of hydrogeology, and his or her research work may benefit from one or more of the various research infrastructure available.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

  • Develop, within the framework of the Centre Eau Terre Environnement’s multidisciplinary programs, innovative research activities in hydrogeology related to one or more of the following themes:
    • Groundwater resources (e.g., inventory and sustainable management of resources, groundwater recharge, water supply)
    • Hydrogeology of contaminants (e.g., contaminated sites, remediation methods, laboratory or field-testing, organic, inorganic or emerging contaminants)
    • Physical characterization of aquifers (e.g., hydraulic testing, hydrogeophysics, innovative laboratory and field methods)
    • Hydrogeochemistry (e.g., geochemical processes, groundwater residence time, tracer tests)
    • Numerical simulation of flow systems (e.g., representation of flow and mass, solute or heat transfer processes at various scales)
  • Secure funding for its research activities through external grants from public and private organizations.
  • Participate in training activities, particularly in the framework of the centre’s graduate programs, and in the supervision of students and research personnel.
  • Contribute to the influence of INRS at the national and international levels.


  • PhD in a relevant field.
  • Have relevant postdoctoral experience or experience in industry or government services.
  • Demonstrate a strong potential for collaboration and complementarity with other faculty members of the Centre in a multidisciplinary perspective.
  • The ability to supervise graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and research staff.
  • Demonstrate entrepreneurial spirit and ability to self-finance research.
  • Have excellent potential to conduct original, productive and formative graduate research. Knowledge of Quebec issues and international recognition will be considered assets.
  • Demonstrate scientific leadership and a determination to have an impact on major societal issues, in line with INRS’s mission.

Working Language
French is the working language of the Institute. Knowledge of English is required. Candidates who do not commonly use French are strongly encouraged to apply. The selected candidate will be invited to improve their knowledge of French during their first contract (3 years, renewable after evaluation), and all necessary resources to achieve this will be provided.

How to apply

INRS encourages candidates who meet the position requirements to apply online by submitting a complete curriculum vitae, copies of their three most significant publications, a two- to three-page summary of their research interests, a statement of teaching philosophy, and the names and contact information of three referees through the Career page of the INRS website by June 17th, 2024.
