Current jobs related to Senior Manager, Energy Procurement Quebec - Montreal, Quebec - Domtar

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    Job Title: Senior Technical Manager - Energy Storage Systems **Job Summary:** We are seeking a highly experienced Senior Technical Manager to lead our energy storage systems team. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing equipment specifications, procurement, and factory acceptance testing of batteries, inverters, and other equipment...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada Positivenergy Full time

    Job Title: Senior Technical Manager - Energy Storage Systems **Job Summary:** We are seeking a highly experienced Senior Technical Manager to lead our energy storage systems team. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing equipment specifications, procurement, and factory acceptance testing of batteries, inverters, and other equipment...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada Positivenergy Full time

    Job Title: Senior Technical Manager - Energy Storage Systems **Job Summary:** We are seeking a highly experienced Senior Technical Manager to lead our energy storage systems team. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing equipment specifications, procurement, and factory acceptance testing of batteries, inverters, and other equipment...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada Positivenergy Full time

    Job Title: Senior Technical Manager - Energy Storage Systems **Job Summary:** We are seeking a highly experienced Senior Technical Manager to lead our energy storage systems team. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing equipment specifications, procurement, and factory acceptance testing of batteries, inverters, and other equipment...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada Positivenergy Full time

    Job Title: Senior Technical Manager - Energy Storage Systems **Job Summary:** We are seeking a highly skilled Senior Technical Manager to lead our energy storage systems team. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing equipment specifications, procurement, and factory acceptance testing of batteries, inverters, and other equipment...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada Positivenergy Full time

    Job Title: Senior Technical Manager - Energy Storage Systems **Job Summary:** We are seeking a highly skilled Senior Technical Manager to lead our energy storage systems team. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing equipment specifications, procurement, and factory acceptance testing of batteries, inverters, and other equipment...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada CN Full time

    Job SummaryAs a key member of the Procurement and Supply Management team at CN, the Senior Procurement Specialist will play a critical role in developing and executing innovative procurement strategies that drive sustainable enterprise value. This includes achieving cost reduction targets, monitoring key contracts, and capturing financial savings through...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada CN Full time

    Job SummaryAs a key member of the Procurement and Supply Management team at CN, the Senior Procurement Specialist will play a critical role in developing and executing innovative procurement strategies that drive sustainable enterprise value. This includes achieving cost reduction targets, monitoring key contracts, and capturing financial savings through...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada Positivenergy Full time

    Senior Technical Manager - Energy Storage ExpertAt Positivenergy, we are seeking a highly skilled Senior Technical Manager to lead our energy storage projects.Key Responsibilities:Develop equipment specifications, procurement, and factory acceptance testing for batteries, inverters, and other equipment associated with energy storage projects.Provide guidance...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada Positivenergy Full time

    Senior Technical Manager - Energy Storage ExpertAt Positivenergy, we are seeking a highly skilled Senior Technical Manager to lead our energy storage projects.Key Responsibilities:Develop equipment specifications, procurement, and factory acceptance testing for batteries, inverters, and other equipment associated with energy storage projects.Provide guidance...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada Positivenergy Full time

    Job Summary:We are seeking a highly skilled Senior Technical Manager to join our team at Positivenergy. As a key member of our organization, you will be responsible for leading the development of energy storage projects, including equipment specifications, procurement, and factory acceptance testing.Key Responsibilities:Project Development: Develop and...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada Positivenergy Full time

    Job Summary:We are seeking a highly skilled Senior Technical Manager to join our team at Positivenergy. As a key member of our organization, you will be responsible for leading the development of energy storage projects, including equipment specifications, procurement, and factory acceptance testing.Key Responsibilities:Project Development: Develop and...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada CN Full time

    Job SummaryAs a Senior Procurement Specialist at CN, you will play a key role in developing and executing innovative procurement strategies that drive sustainable enterprise value. Reporting to the Category Manager, Procurement and Supply Management, you will support the analysis and execution of procurement strategies, monitor key contracts, and capture...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada CN Full time

    Job SummaryAs a Senior Procurement Specialist at CN, you will play a key role in developing and executing innovative procurement strategies that drive sustainable enterprise value. Reporting to the Category Manager, Procurement and Supply Management, you will support the analysis and execution of procurement strategies, monitor key contracts, and capture...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada Canadian National Railway Company Full time

    Job SummaryCanadian National Railway Company is seeking a highly skilled Senior Procurement Specialist to join our team in Montreal, Quebec. As a key member of our Procurement and Supply Management department, you will play a critical role in developing and executing innovative procurement strategies that drive sustainable enterprise value.Main...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada Canadian National Railway Company Full time

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  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada CN Full time

    Job SummaryAs a key member of the Procurement and Supply Management team at CN, the Senior Procurement Specialist will play a critical role in driving sustainable enterprise value through innovative procurement strategies. Reporting to the Category Manager, this role will support the development, analysis, and execution of procurement strategies that deliver...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada CN Full time

    Job SummaryAs a key member of the Procurement and Supply Management team at CN, the Senior Procurement Specialist will play a critical role in driving sustainable enterprise value through innovative procurement strategies. Reporting to the Category Manager, this role will support the development, analysis, and execution of procurement strategies that deliver...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada Positivenergy Full time

    Job SummaryWe are seeking a highly skilled Senior Technical Manager to lead our energy storage projects. The successful candidate will have expertise in designing and implementing energy storage systems, including battery technology and inverter selection.Key ResponsibilitiesDevelop equipment specifications, procurement, and factory acceptance testing for...

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada Positivenergy Full time

    Job SummaryWe are seeking a highly skilled Senior Technical Manager to lead our energy storage projects. The successful candidate will have expertise in designing and implementing energy storage systems, including battery technology and inverter selection.Key ResponsibilitiesDevelop equipment specifications, procurement, and factory acceptance testing for...

Senior Manager, Energy Procurement Quebec

4 months ago

Montreal, Quebec, Canada Domtar Full time

*English version follow*

Titre du poste : Chef principal, Approvisionnement en énergie Québec et Canada

Emplacement: Montréal (hybride)

Relève de : Directeur des achats d'énergie

Notre offre

  • Un emplacement au centre-ville (métro Place-des-Arts)
  • Modalités de travail alternatives ; travail à distance hybride et horaires flexibles.
  • Un environnement moderne, spacieux et dynamique.
  • Rémunération concurrentielle, incluant un plan de primes annuelles.
  • Un plan d'assurance flexible et étendu (vie, médicale, dentaire).
  • Un programme d'aide aux employés.
  • Un régime de retraite avec des cotisations d'entreprise de contrepartie pour faciliter la planification de votre retraite.
  • Développement et formation continue payés par l'employeur.
  • Une garderie sur place.

Le chef principal des achats d'énergie est responsable de diriger et gérer l'arrangement contractuel lié à l'achat et à la vente d'énergie, critique pour les opérations, pour tout le Groupe Paper Excellence au Canada avec un gros focus sur le Québec et la Colombie-Britannique. Le gestionnaire principal doit être influent et maintenir une relation étroite avec les fournisseurs et les services publics en plus de l'exploitation et de la gestion de l'usine. Le chef principal participe à l'établissement de directives budgétaires et prévisionnelles uniformes et cohérentes sur tous les sites et il agit à titre d'expert en la matière pour sa pratique. Travaillant en étroite collaboration avec les associations professionnelles et possédant une connaissance pratique des marchés, le chef et l'équipe surveilleront les questions de réglementation énergétique qui pourraient avoir un impact sur l'entreprise et aideront à établir des plans d'intervention.

Responsabilités professionnelles

  • Négocier et gérer tous les achats d'énergie nécessaires à la pérennité de nos opérations, ainsi que les contrats de vente avec un ensemble diversifié de fournisseurs et de services publics au Canada, en mettant l'accent sur le Québec et la Colombie-Britannique pour le Groupe Paper Excellence.
  • Fournir des recommandations stratégiques sur quand et comment acheter ou vendre divers besoins énergétiques.
  • Surveiller et participer aux activités de réglementation énergétique provinciales et fédérales. Cela pourrait inclure la participation à diverses associations professionnelles.
  • Collaborer à l'établissement de lignes directrices en matière de prévisions et de budgétisation et à l'analyse à l'appui.
  • Être particulièrement bien informé sur les particularités de chaque opération/région pour recommander la combinaison appropriée de tarifs de distribution ferme/interruptible, etc., en tenant compte de divers facteurs de risque.
  • S'assurer que les différents sites d'exploitation bénéficient des tarifs appropriés.
  • Collaborer avec d'autres départements pour analyser les impacts liés à l'énergie des nouveaux investissements, qu'il s'agisse d'investissements en capital, de fusions et acquisitions, de réglementation carbone et d'objectifs de développement durable.
  • Durabilité : Intégrer les considérations de durabilité et d'environnement dans la stratégie d'approvisionnement, en travaillant vers un approvisionnement responsable et un impact environnemental réduit.
  • Analyse du marché : rester informé de la dynamique du marché, des tendances émergentes et des fluctuations des prix de l'électricité, du gaz naturel et d'autres sources alternatives.

Compétences fondamentales

  • Bonne connaissance des particularités de l'approvisionnement en électricité et des marchés de l'approvisionnement en gaz naturel.
  • Une bonne compréhension des différents tarifs d'Energir et d'Hydro-Québec affectant les sites de production du Québec.
  • Solides compétences analytiques et de communication.
  • Bonnes compétences en collaboration à différents niveaux de l'organisation.

Expérience/qualifications professionnelles

  • Un minimum de 15 ans d'expérience professionnelle dans le domaine de l'énergie
  • Un baccalauréat ou un diplôme en ingénierie, en gestion des affaires ou connexe.
  • Bilingue (Français/Anglais) Bilingue français et anglais. Cette qualification est requise pour que ce professionnel puisse collaborer avec succès avec ses pairs dans les États et pays non francophones dans lesquels nous opérons.

Vous devez réussir un processus de sélection qui comprend des entrevues, des tests d'aptitude (pour certains postes) et une vérification des références.

Domtar souscrit à un programme d'égalité d'accès à l'emploi et les personnes membres des groupes ciblés que sont les femmes, les personnes handicapées, les Autochtones et les minorités visibles sont encouragées à postuler. Si vous êtes une personne handicapée, vous pouvez recevoir, sur demande, une assistance dans le processus de présélection et de sélection.

Domtar est l'un des principaux fournisseurs d'une grande variété de produits à base de fibres, notamment des papiers de communication, de spécialité et d'emballage, de la pâte commerciale et des non-tissés airlaid. Avec environ 6 300 employés au service de plus de 50 pays à travers le monde, Domtar est motivée par son engagement à transformer la fibre de bois durable en produits utiles sur lesquels les gens comptent chaque jour. Le principal bureau de direction de Domtar est situé à Fort Mill, en Caroline du Sud, et Domtar fait partie du groupe de sociétés Paper Excellence. Pour en savoir plus,

Position title: Senior Manager, Energy Procurement Quebec & Canada

Location: Montreal (hybrid)

Reports to: Director Energy Procurement

Our offer

  • A downtown location (Place-des-Arts metro)
  • Alternative Work Arrangements; hybrid remote work and flextime.
  • A modern, spacious, and dynamic environment.
  • Competitive compensation, including annual bonus plan.
  • An extended flexible insurance plan (life, medical, dental).
  • An employee assistance program.
  • A pension plan with matching company contributions to help make planning for your retirement easy.
  • Employer-paid development and continuing education.
  • A childcare Centre on location.

The Sr Manager of Energy Procurement is responsible for leading and managing the contractual arrangement related to purchase and sales of energy, critical for the operations, for all the Paper Excellence Group Canadian sites with a big focus on Quebec and British-Columbia. The Sr Manager must be influential and maintain a close relationship with suppliers and serving utilities in addition with the mill's operation and management. The Sr Manager participates in establishing budgeting and forecasting guidelines uniform and coherent across all sites and he serves as a subject matter expert for his practice. Working closely with trade association and working knowledge of the markets, the manager along with the team will monitor energy regulatory issues that could impact the company and help establish intervention plans.

Job Responsibilities

  • Negotiate and manage all the energy purchase required to sustain our operations, as well as sales contracts with a diverse set of Suppliers and Utilities in Canada with a focus on Québec and British Columbia for the Paper Excellence Group.
  • Provide strategic recommendations on when and how to purchase or sell various energy needs.
  • Monitor and participate in provincial and federal energy regulatory activities. That could include participation in various trade associations.
  • Collaborate in establishing Forecasting and Budgeting guidelines and supporting analysis.
  • Be particularly knowledgeable about each operations/regions particularities to recommend the proper mix of distribution rates firm/interruptible, etc, considering various risk factors.
  • Ensure various operating sites are on the proper rates.
  • Collaborate with other departments in analysing energy related impacts from new investment, be it Capex, M&A, Carbon regulation & sustainability goals.
  • Sustainability: Integrate sustainability and environmental considerations into the procurement strategy, working toward responsible sourcing and reduced environmental impact.
  • Market Analysis: Stay informed about market dynamics, emerging trends, and pricing fluctuations for electricity, natural gas, and other alternative sources.

Key Skills

  • Good knowledge of the electricity supply particularities and the natural gas supply markets.
  • A good understanding of Energir and Hydro-Québec various rates affecting the Québec production sites.
  • Solid analytical and communication skills.
  • Good collaboration skills across various levels of the organization.

Professional Experience/Qualifications

  • A minimum of 15 years of professional experience in the energy field
  • A bachelor's degree or diploma in engineering, business management or related.
  • Bilingual (French/English) Bilingual French and English. This qualification is required for this professional to successfully collaborate with his peers in non-French-speaking states and countries were we operate.

You must successfully complete a selection process that includes interviews, aptitude tests (for some positions) and reference verification.

Domtar subscribes to an equal access to employment program and individuals who are members of the targeted groups of women, persons with disabilities, Aboriginal persons, and visible minorities are encouraged to apply. If you are a person with a disability, you may receive, upon request, assistance with the screening and selection process.

Domtar is a leading provider of a wide variety of fiber-based products including communication, specialty and packaging papers, market pulp and airlaid nonwovens. With approximately 6,300 employees serving more than 50 countries around the world, Domtar is driven by a commitment to turn sustainable wood fiber into useful products that people rely on every day. Domtar's principal executive office is in Fort Mill, South Carolina and Domtar is part of the Paper Excellence group of companies. To learn more, visit